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Projects Update

AI-Enabled Non-verbal Expression for Chatbot Enhancement

Chatbot technology utilises textual content including typed-in text and speech recognised text to devise their subsequent responses to the other parties during the conversation. The audio and visual non-verbal communication cues such as emotion, body language and facial expression are not recognised and incorporated in the analysis during the information exchange in the conversation. Such non-verbal cues may contain supportive context for assisting the chatbots to better engage in the ongoing conversation.

This project aims to explore the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to train three non-verbal expression detectors to detect the occurrences of those audio and visual non-verbal cues which represent immediate reactive responses of different parties in a conversation. The audio non-verbal cues will be classified by a trained sound response detector while the visual non-verbal cues will be classified by the trained facial response detector and the upper-body gesture response detector.

This enhancement will be useful for the chatbots which are expected to be deployed in the travel industry, elderly service industry and recruitment industry, etc.

Next InsurChain

The Insurance industry is currently facing a number of challenges in its operation, such as fraud, claims on multiple policies, the inefficiency of quotes estimation and claims handling, etc. One of the major issues is the industry’s inability to share the information among different parties.

Jointly developed by LSCM and Next InsurTech Limited, the Next InsurChain provides a permissioned information sharing blockchain infrastructure to help the insurance industry to improve the operational efficiency. Policy information and claim records are stored on the blockchain. All companies on Next InsurChain can have access to the public information of the insurance policy. Upon request, the Government and/or Regulators can be granted access to selected data. Furthermore, the insurance companies can share private information with their counterparts upon request, while the insured individuals can access his/her own policy details at their fingertips.

Technical advantages:

  • Three-level access control for granting permitted access to insurance companies, regulatory authorities, and insured individuals.
  • Decentralised, traceable and non-tampering policy information and claim records are saved on the blockchain to facilitate fake insurance policies checking, claims handling, and quotes estimation, etc.

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