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LSCM supports the StayHomeSafe System to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Hong Kong

In the recent months, COVID-19 has been affecting a large number of countries in the world, posing a major threat to global public health. As an international transit hub with the frequent flow of people from all over the world, Hong Kong is prone to the very high risk of COVID-19. In view of this, LSCM has developed the StayHomeSafe System in collaboration with the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) to help Hong Kong contain the spread of COVID-19 in the city.

To support the implementation of the quarantine measures of the Hong Kong SAR Government, LSCM has been working day and night together with various government departments and partners to develop the StayHomeSafe System since late January. Despite the lack of resources, LSCM’s research teams developed an electronic wristband, a mobile application and the corresponding backend application for the StayHomeSafe System in just a week’s time. In the process of developing the electronic wristband, the teams had spent much effort in the testing and quality control procedures to ensure that its waterproof and anti-vibration functions are in place, and that it works well in different premises. The system utilises BLE, NFC and Geo-fencing technology to detect the presence of the quarantined person in their dwelling places. As the electronic wristband does not utilise GPS technology, the privacy of the quarantined persons can be protected.

Since early February, the electronic wristbands have been distributed to the persons under quarantine with the system installed in their dwelling places to ensure that they comply with the quarantine measures. They are asked to put on the electronic wristband which is paired with a designated mobile phone. An alert will be triggered to notify the relevant officials for follow-up actions if the persons under quarantine leave their dwelling places or the wristband is damaged. The StayHomeSafe System has been effective in preventing the persons under quarantine from leaving their dwelling places, that many overseas enquiries were received from Southeast Asia and the Middle East. These foreign authorities also want to deploy the same system to support their countries’ quarantine measures.

LSCM has been striving to enhance the system by modifying the wristband to make it lighter and more convenient for the users. We are glad that our local technologies are adopted for the benefit of the society. We believe that with the assistance of advanced technologies, Hong Kong will succeed in combating COVID-19 very soon.

Mrs Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive, and Mr Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, visited LSCM on 20 February 2020 to learn about the research and development of the StayHomeSafe System.

Enhancement has been made in different versions of the electronic wristband to make it more convenient for the users.

LSCM has been working with various governement departments and our partners to research and develop the StayHomeSafe System.

There was extensive media coverage of LSCM and the StayHomeSafe System recently. Wen Wei Po and Hong Kong Economic Times gave detailed introduction about the electronic wristbands and mobile application developed by LSCM. Please visit the links below to learn more about the coverage.

1. Wen Wei Po - 港產藍牙手環 一周撲料起貨
2. Wen Wei Po - 特稿:平衡監察私隱 續航電量關鍵
3. Wen Wei Po - 轉危為機:科創需未雨綢繆 轉變固有觀念
4. Hong Kong Economic Times - 藍牙電子手環 違檢疫令無所遁形
5. Hong Kong Economic Times - 隔離人數料增 宜拓一次性手環

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