Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > Technology Commercialisation > Product & System Service
Product & System Service

LSCM has a rich portfolio of ready-to-market technologies for commercialisation by industries. By clicking the items from below three categories (Technology, Industry, System), the solutions will be shown according to your needs.

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Search result(s): 9

Product & System Service Industry System Technology Deliverables

RFID-based Interoperable Gateway for Logistics Service Platforms (RIG)

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform,IoT / RFID
  1. RIG Core Components
  2. PO & Delivery Management System
  3. Container Tracking System

Interoperability Technology and Applications for Container RFID and e-seal

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform,IoT / RFID
  1. E-seal Track & Trace Application
  2. Active RFID container management system for river trade
  3. Interoperable Site Server

RFID-based Interoperable Gateway for Logistics Service Platforms

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform
  1. Sme-Plug Core sysem
  2. Sample Connectivity Modules for Logistics Service Platforms
  3. Sample e-document modules
  4. Mobile notification application

RFID-based Interoperable Gateway for Logistics Service Platforms (RIG)

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform
  1. Connections with three service platforms for supporting shipment document submission.
  2. Data models and connections with service platform for getting container tracking information.
  3. Cloud-based exchange platform
  4. Feature enhancements in SMe-Plug core engine

An eLogistics Appliance with Data Exchange and Conversion Technologies for Infrastructure Connectivity

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Cloud Computing & Service Platform
  1. Service Provider Framework
  2. Service Development Kit
  3. DTTN Appliance and Service Modules

Service Platform for PRD Waterway Logistics Operators

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform
  1. Software Provisioning Platform (SPP)
  2. Local Execution Environment (LEE)
  3. Application Module Prototypes (AMP)

(PSTS) An eLogistics Appliance with Data Exchange and Conversion Technologies for Infrastructure Connectivity

Construction,Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform
  1. elogistics Appliance as a Product for GETS
  2. Generic G2B Document Submission Solution

Develop 3D Geodatabase Framework for Hong Kong – A Lightweight 3D Seamless Spatial Data Acquisition System

Construction,Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform
  1. Framework: 30 geodatabase framework 
  2. Hardware: technology of lightweight 3D seamless spatial data acquisition backpack 
  3. Software: a 30 spatial data post-processing software toolkit  

(PSTS) Trial: BLE Tracking Device for OGCIO's Home Quarantine Support System

Health & Community,Logistics & Supply Chain Management Tracking and Positioning Systems,IoT Systems Cloud Computing & Service Platform,e-Lock Technology,IoT / RFID
  1. Tamper Detection Electronic Wristbands
  2. Stay Home Safe Base Station Devices
  3. Stay Home Safe Home Quarantine Monitoring System