Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > Technology Commercialisation > Product & System Service
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Search result(s): 57

Product & System Service Industry System Technology Deliverables

RFID-based Interoperable Gateway for Logistics Service Platforms (RIG)

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform,IoT / RFID
  1. RIG Core Components
  2. PO & Delivery Management System
  3. Container Tracking System

Interoperability Technology and Applications for Container RFID and e-seal

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System Cloud Computing & Service Platform,IoT / RFID
  1. E-seal Track & Trace Application
  2. Active RFID container management system for river trade
  3. Interoperable Site Server

Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID

Low-cost and Light-weight RFID Reader IC (LS1001)

Package-specific RFID Tagging and Embedding Technology

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. Dipole Antenna_LSCM1
  2. Dipole Antenna_LSCM2
  3. Dipole Antenna_LSCM3_3D
  4. Dipole Antenna_ff1
  5. Dipole Antenna_ff2
  6. Dipole Antenna_ff3
  7. Dipole Antenna_ff4
  8. Dipole Antenna_ff5
  9. Dipole Antenna_ff6
  10. Embedded T-matching Tag Antenna with Shunt Stub
  11. Soil Tag Antenna
  12. Loop Antenna_nf1
  13. Loop Antenna_nf2
  14. Loop Antenna_nf3
  15. Loop Antenna_nf4
  16. Patch Antenna_mt1
  17. Patch Antenna_mt2, with Slot
  18. Patch Antenna_mt3, two-layer version
  19. Patch Antenna_mt4, three-layer version
  20. Patch Antenna_mt5
  21. Patch Antenna_mt6
  22. Patch Antenna_mt7, Half-E-Shape
  23. Patch Antenna_mt8, Four-Parch Antenna
  24. Patch Antenna_mt9, Single-layer Patch
  25. Patch Antenna_mt10, single-layer patch w/ embedded t-match
  26. Patch Antenna_mt11, metal-mountable compact PIFA
  27. Patch Antenna_mt12, Platform-tolerant, PIFA
  28. Patch Antenna_mt13, Ultra-small PIFA
  29. EBG-based Tag Antenna 1
  30. EBG-based Tag Antenna 2

RFID Tagging and Packaging Technology for Food Products

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. Tamper-proof wine bottle tag antenna design
  2. Tamper-proof wine cap tag antenna design
  3. Long Range Slim Metal Tag_ST1 Antenna Design
  4. Long Range Slim Metal Tag_ST2 Antenna Design

Product Authentication at Retail Points - Infrastructure and Systems

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID

Product Authentication Backend Server Application and SDK

Enabling Technologies for Baby Tracking in Hospital Environment (Tamper resistant & reusable baby tag)

Health & Community Tracking and Positioning Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Tag and tamper-resistant strap design
  2. Reader design
  3. Monitoring system software (perpetual non-exclusive)
  4. Reader Network Monitoring tools
  5. Tag testing console

Low-Cost and “Green” UHF RFID Tags

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. Green tag bonding machine design
  2. Printed antenna design
  3. Strap design

Trial: Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. PCB layout for BLE 4.0 RFID reader compatible with the light weight reader chip
  2. Wearable casing
  3. Firmware design for BLE 4.0 RFID reader

Trial: Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. RFID hybrid handheld reader
  2. 4 antenna ports RFID reader

Trial: RFID Tagging and Packaging Technology for Food Products

Construction IoT Systems IoT / RFID

Rear RFID Sensing/ Alarm System design

Trial:RFID Tagging and Packaging Technology for Food Products

Health & Community IoT Systems IoT / RFID

RFID Gate System

Trial: Enabling Technologies for Baby Tracking in Hospital Environment (Tamper resistant & reusable baby tag)

Construction IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Safety Belt sensing tag designs
  2. Reader Design
  3. Monitoring System Software (include Reader Coordinator and Monitoring server application)
  4. Handheld Device Application
  5. Wireless charger design

Package-specific RFID Tagging and Embedding Technology

Health & Community Tracking and Positioning Systems IoT / RFID
  1. RFID reader cane
  2. RFID guidance tag
  3. Navigation software

Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications

Health & Community Tracking and Positioning Systems IoT / RFID
  1. RFID reader embedded walking cane
  2. Communication book system
  3. Know-the-people nearby" system
  4. Victim identification system

RFID-enabled Platform Tech. for the Integrated Shenzhen-Hong Kong Food Safety and Supply Chain Management Public Information Platform & Real Time Food Quality Management Service System

Health & Community Tracking and Positioning Systems IoT / RFID
  1. RFID reader embedded walking cane
  2. Sensory Data Gateway
  3. Safety alert in risky bathroom environment
  4. Wet-diaper alert for timely bedside caring

Service Platform for PRD Waterway Logistics Operators & Trusted Network-based RFID Infrastructure for CWRA's (Site Attendance Module System)

Health & Community IoT / RFID
  1. RFID reader embedded walking cane
  2. Communication book system
  3. "Know-the-people nearby" system

RFID Tagging and Packaging Technology for Food Products

Health & Community IoT / RFID

RFID technology

Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications

Health & Community Tracking and Positioning Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Reader module
  2. reader antenna
  3. Tags suitable for attaching to or buried under the ground
  4. Application software

Interoperability Technology and Applications for Container RFID and e-seal

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Roadside truck RFID scanner
  2. Windshield mounted passive tags
  3. RFID data middleware architecture

Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications (Navigation for visually impaired-YuenLong Rehabilation Centre)

Health & Community IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Centralized RFID Tagging Management System (CRTMS)
  2. Wearable reader on the wrist

RFID Enabling Technologies for Retail & Logistics Industry

e-Commerce Application/Service System IoT / RFID
  1. Central Console Module
  2. Environment Configuration Modeller
  3. Environmental Configuration Manager
  4. RFID Enabling Software Platform

RFID Enabling Technologies for Retail & Logistics Industry

Health & Community Application/Service System IoT / RFID
  1. RFID Enabling Software Platform
  2. e-Sample Catalogue Software Engine
  3. VIP Tracking Software Engine
  4. Document Tracking Software Module

RFID and Sensor-based Productivity Enhancement System for Human-operated Workplace (Government and Industry)

Health & Community Wifi Mesh Technology,IoT / RFID
  1. Wifi Mesh Network Covers the Chung Ming Sheh area
  2. POI Navigation system module
  3. Smart Phone Book System Module
  4. Smart Object System Module
  5. Public Announcement device application module
  6. Video Chat device application module
  7. Smart Flushing Tank System module

RFID Enabling Technologies for Retail & Logistics Industry

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. RFID Enabling Software Platform
  2. e-Sample Catalogue Software Engine
  3. VIP Tracking Software Engine
  4. Document Tracking Software Module

RFID-enabled Platform Technology for the Integrated Shenzhen-Hong Kong Food Safety and Supply Chain Management Public Information Platform

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. Integral Food Safety Platform Solution
  2. Food Safety System
  3. Enterprises Application Suite
  4. Re-packaging Solution for Handheld
  5. Customer-focus Food Information Terminal

RFID-enabled Platform Technology for the Integrated Shenzhen-Hong Kong Food Safety and Supply Chain Management Public Information Platform

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. Advanced DFSA Algorithm
  2. Communication Protocol
  3. Reference Design on Active Tag and Reader
  4. Reference Design on Sensor Integration
  5. Reference Design on Multi-Reader communications
  6. Reference Design on GUI & Monitoring Software

Use-IT-Easy: A Low Cost, High Performance Mobile RFID Platform

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID

Reader design including Hardware design, Firmware, and Software Development Kit

Integrated Passive UHF RFID Tags and Readers

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. RFID reader IC Architecture design document
  2. Single-chip Reader(TRX+RDBB) circuit design and IC Layout
  3. RFID Tag IC design and architecture document
  4. RFID Tag Inlay(Tag IC+antenna+Assembly) circuit design and IC Layout
  5. RFID Tag Inlay with temperature sensor(TAGTS + Antenna + Assembly) circuit design and IC Layout
  6. RFID Reader IC subsystem-Frequency synthesizer (VCO+FD+CP+LF)
  7. Receiver Front-end(LNA+DM+FS)
  8. Receiver Analog Baseband (RABB) (CSF+VGA+ADC)
  9. Transmitter Front-end(TFE)(PA+UM+FS)
  10. Transmitter Analog Baseband(TABB)(DAC+Filter)
  11. Transceiver front-end(TREE)(RFE+TEE)
  12. Transceiver(TRX)(TRFE+RABB+TABB)
  13. RFID Tag IC subsystem (TAGIC) (PMU+CG+DEMOD+MEM+TDBB)
  14. RFID Tag IC with temperature senor (TAGTS) (TAGIC+TS)
  15. RFID Reader IC building block – low noise amplifier(LNA)
  16. RFID Reader IC building block – down conversion mixer(DM)
  17. RFID Reader IC building block – channel selection filter(CSF)
  18. RFID Reader IC building block –variable gain amplifier(VGA)
  19. RFID Reader IC building block – sigma delta analog to digital converter(ADC)
  20. RFID Reader IC building block – voltage controlled oscillator(VCO)
  21. RFID Reader IC building block – frequency divider(FD)
  22. RFID Reader IC building block – digital to analog converter(DAC)
  23. RFID Reader IC building block – up conversion mixer(UM)
  24. RFID Reader IC building block – RF power amplifier(PA)
  25. RFID Read IC building block – digital baseband(RDBB)
  26. RFID Tag IC building block – power management unit(PMU)
  27. RFID Tag IC building block – clock generator(CG)
  28. RFID Tag IC building block – demodulator/modulator(DEMOD)
  29. RFID Tag IC building block – one time programmable memory(MEM)
  30. RFID Tag IC building block – temperature sensor(TS)
  31. RFID Tag IC building block – digital baseband(TDBB)
  32. RFID Tag IC building block – antenna system(ANT)

Study the Design Challenges of 90nm Technology UHF RFID Tag IC

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID

A tag IC reference design implemented in 90nm CMOS technology and a clock recovery circuit method for RFID tag IC

Trustworthy RFID Technologies: Methodology and Practice

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID

Secure and Privacy-preserving RFID active tag with reference design and uniform platform

RFID Traceability for Risk Management in Hospital

Health & Community Tracking and Positioning Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Active RFID Tag and Reader Infrastructure
  2. Angle of Arrival Positioning and Algorithm in Mass Reader Network
  3. Real-tim Tracking and Contact Tracing System Architecture and Design

Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Hong Kong Air Freight Forwarding Industry Using RFID and Software Agent Technologies

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System IoT / RFID
  1. RFID-based Air Cargo Processing System
  2. Flexible RFID Encoder and Decoder (FRED)

RFID Application Service Technology in Guangdong-Hongkong Import/Export Supervision and Management

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System IoT / RFID
  1. Passage Monitoring Application
  2. Handheld Application
  3. Adaptor for Ross ERP

Trust Solution for RFID Enabled Interoperable E-logistics

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Security Systems IoT / RFID

Secure and Privacy-preserving RFID tag with reference design and uniform platform

Real Time Food Quality Management Service System

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System IoT / RFID
  1. Cold Chain Logistics Management Solution
  2. Cold Chain Quality Management Solutions
  3. Cold Chain Facility Monitoring System
  4. Real Time Food Quality Monitoring Solution

Trusted Network-based RFID Infrastructure (for CWRA's Site Attendance Module System)

Construction Security Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Trusted Reader Device-Standalone (TRD-S)
  2. Trusted Reader Device-Mobile (TRD-M)
  3. Trusted Exchange Data Apps (TED-A)

RFID and Sensor-based Productivity Enhancement System for Human-operated Workplace (Government and Industry)

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System IoT / RFID
  1. Human-Operated Productivity Enhancement System (HOPE System)
  2. Workplace Productivity Enhancement Application (WPEA) for Smart Asset Carrier (SAC) sytem

Optimal Design of Novel Reconfigurable UHF Antenna Systems for the Smart Shelf RFID Technology

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID
  1. Reconfigurable smart shelf UHF antenna design
  2. Optimization design software

Novel Low Profile 3-Axis Polarization Technology For The Near Field UHF RFID Reader Antenna System

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT / RFID

Low profile 3-axis polarization near field UHF RFID antenna prototypes Design (for both Mailbox and Open case) together with Design Guide

RFID-Enabled Building Information Modeling (BIM) Platform for Prefabrication Housing Production in Hong Kong

Construction BIM Systems BIM Technology,IoT / RFID
  1. System architecture design based on HKHA requirement analysis
  2. RFID-enabled Building information modeling Platform (RBIMP)
  3. RBIMP Decision Support Services (RBIMP-DSS)

An Integrated Sensor Module and Ubiquitous Wireless Network for Smart Drainage System

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. An underground to above ground communication system and an above ground mesh network with comprehensive power saving scheme will be developed.
  2. Water level sensor module for detecting various explosive gases
  3. An underground device with integrated sensor modules and low frequency transmitters.
  4. An above ground communication device (Node) with high sensitivity receiver that can receive underground signals and establish an Adhoc Network for data transmission above ground.
  5. A handheld device that can collect sensor data from underground devices on offline mode
  6. A compact and conformal antenna operating at lower frequency fro minimizing the size of underground devices
  7. A durable passive RFID tag to be mounted in each manhole
  8. Application software for managing sensing data
  9. An alert engine for automatically generating emergency alarms.
  10. Android Apps for monitoring sensor data by the public

(PSTS) Trial: Real Time Food Quality Management Service System

Health & Community IoT Systems IoT / RFID

Sensing Data Cloud (SDC) system

(PSTS) Trial: Package-specific RFID Tagging and Embedding Technology

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID

RFID tags for archival items

(PSTS) Trial: RFID Tagging and Packaging Technology for Food Products

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID

signboard tags

(PSTS) Trial: Package-specific RFID Tagging and Embedding Technology (II)

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Nail tag short range 
  2. Durable washable tag mid range
  3. Ribbon tag 
  4. Label tag 

(PSTS) Trial: Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications (II)

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. A low-cost and light-weight RFID reader IC chip 
  2. A low-cost and low-power consumption lightweight RFID handheld reader prototype will be designed to demonstrate the chip's feasibility and potential to be used in cellular phone platforms.

Trial: Package-specific RFID Tagging and Embedding Technology and Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Design of Wireless RFID Hybrid Handheld Reader (hardware design and firmware)
  2. Mobile Application for Asset Management (mobile app)

3D Positioning Technologies for Passive RFID System

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. RFID reader module schematic and layout
  2. RFID reader module digital baseband HDL code
  3. RFID reader module firmware 
  4. Smart antenna design
  5. Hybrid location positioning algorithm source code

RFID and Vision Sensor Integration in IOT Technology to enable Automated Baggage Pre-Clearance for Faster Passenger Flow in Airport

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems Video Content Analytics Technologies,IoT / RFID
  1. Baggage Selection and Identifying System
  2. Surveilance System in the baggage hall
  3. Arrest Action Support System
  4. Baggage RFID Label Design

Energy Harvesting RFID Sensor and BLE Device for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Systems

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Energy harvesting module for RFID sensor and BLE device.
  2. Energy harvesting RFID sensor for autonomous wireless sensor network
  3. Energy harvesting BLE device for autonomous wireless sensor network.
  4. A compact energy harvesting sensor using both RFID and BLE for wireless transmission.
  5. A wireless sensor system based on self sustainable RFID sensor/BLE device 

(PSTS) Trial: Smart Workplace Automated Data Systems for Trial Use Applications with NGO Operations and Elderly Care

Health & Community,Logistics & Supply Chain Management Tracking and Positioning Systems,IoT Systems Positioning Technology,IoT / RFID
  1. Anti-wandering RFID Gate System 
  2. Service Logging System 
  3. Information Kiosk System 
  4. GNSS Tracking System 

(PSTS) Trial: Smart Wearable Tag and Monitoring Systems for Correctional Services

Health & Community,Logistics & Supply Chain Management Tracking and Positioning Systems,IoT Systems Positioning Technology,IoT / RFID

Smart wearable tag and monitoring system

(PSTS) Trial: BLE Tracking Device for OGCIO's Home Quarantine Support System

Health & Community,Logistics & Supply Chain Management Tracking and Positioning Systems,IoT Systems Cloud Computing & Service Platform,e-Lock Technology,IoT / RFID
  1. Tamper Detection Electronic Wristbands
  2. Stay Home Safe Base Station Devices
  3. Stay Home Safe Home Quarantine Monitoring System

(PSTS) Trial: Interactive Information Kiosk for Elderly Care Centre

Health & Community,Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System IoT / RFID
  1. Server with backend application software
  2. Interactive Information Kiosk with frontend application

(PSTS) Trial: Sensing Monitoring for Warehousing, Logistics, and Manufacturing

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System,Tracking and Positioning Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Temp, RH, Vibration & Lux/UV Sensor
  2. Communication Module
  3. Coordinator Router
  4. Service-oriented System Design

(PSTS) Trial: Integrated Navigation System with Advanced BLE IoT Network

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems IoT / RFID
  1. Advanced BLE IoT device samples
  2. Configuration API for Advanced BLE IoT device
  3. Sample BLE IoT device configuration program
  4. Access API + Repository schema with programming guide for beacon information repository
  5. Library for corrected location retrieval with programming guide (Android, iOS)
  6. Installable service APK for corrected location retrieval with programming guide (Android)
  7. Integrated navigation mobile app installation kit with user guide (Android, iOS, embedded computer device)
  8. Server side longitude / latitude correction module