Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > Technology Commercialisation > Product & System Service
Product & System Service

LSCM has a rich portfolio of ready-to-market technologies for commercialisation by industries. By clicking the items from below three categories (Technology, Industry, System), the solutions will be shown according to your needs.

Step 1:

Click the item under TECHNOLOGY (eg. Active RFID, related solutions will be shown underneath.)

Step 2:

To further narrow the search according to specific industry, click item under INDUSTRY (eg. Logistics & Supply Chain Management, solutions related to “Active RFID” technology and “Logistics & Supply Chain Management” industry will be shown underneath.)

Step 3:

To further narrow the search according to specific system, click item under SYSTEM (eg. Application/Service System, solutions related to “Active RFID” technology, “Logistics & Supply Chain Management” industry and “Application/Service System” will be shown underneath.)

Step 4:

To reset the search, click “Reset” on top right

For more details, please contact us at [email protected].

Search result(s): 6

Product & System Service Industry System Technology Deliverables

Smart Construction Platform based on Cloud BIM and Image Processing

Construction BIM Systems BIM Technology
  1. BIM-based work order generation module
  2. Work order information extraction module
  3. Work progress tracking module

RFID-Enabled Building Information Modeling (BIM) Platform for Prefabrication Housing Production in Hong Kong

Construction BIM Systems BIM Technology,IoT / RFID
  1. System architecture design based on HKHA requirement analysis
  2. RFID-enabled Building information modeling Platform (RBIMP)
  3. RBIMP Decision Support Services (RBIMP-DSS)

Enabling Technology for IoT Mesh network and Building Information Model for Building Life Cycle Management

Construction BIM Systems BIM Technology
  1. Semantic knowledge base BIM system for building lifecycle management in the design and construction phase
  2. A portal of 3D BIM model integrated with Bluetooth beacon and RFID tagged building facilities for facility management

(PSTS) Trial: Location-based Technologies for Asset Tracking and Risk Management

Construction BIM Systems BIM Technology
  1. Add-in for BIM applications to export BIM models
  2. WebGL viewer

(PSTS) Trial: Vibration Monitoring of Automated People Mover rail by wireless IoT Sensors

Logistics & Supply Chain Management IoT Systems BIM Technology
  1. Wireless vibration sensing system using Bluetooth Mesh protocol
  2. 3D monitoring portal displaying vibration data with 3D model

Big Data-Driven Airport Resources Management (BigARM) Engine and Application Tools

Logistics & Supply Chain Management Application/Service System BIM Technology
  1. Storage system that offers rapid access to structural and unstructured airport big data from multiple sources
  2. Big data-driven algorithms to predict unknown factors at airport
  3. Big data-driven algorithms for making more informed resource allocation
  4. Big data-driven engine (BigARM engine)
  5. BigARM-based application for baggage reclaim belts allocation at HKIA