Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > Technology Commercialisation > Technology Available for Licensing
Technology Available for Licensing

LSCM has developed a wide range of innovative technologies for different sectors, including logistics and supply chain, e-Commerce and trade, smart city technology, gerontechnology and construction, etc. The industry can adopt these technologies to enhance efficiency and productivity. If you are interested in licensing the technology, please contact us at [email protected].

Project Name
RFID-based Interoperable Gateway for Logistics Service Platforms (RIG) (LSCM)
Interoperability Technology and Applications for Container RFID and e-seal  (LSCM)
Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications (LSCM)
Package-specific RFID Tagging and Embedding Technology  (LSCM)
RFID Tagging and Packing Technology for Food Products
E-Lock-Based Enabling Technology for Container Cargo Transshipment Process
Product Authentication at Retail Points – Infrastructure Systems
Enabling Technologies for Baby Tracking in Hospital Environment (Tamper resistant & reusable baby tag)
Low-Cost and “Green” UHF RFID Tags
 Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications
Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications
RFID Tagging and Packaging Technology for Food Products
Project for RFID Tagging and Packaging Technology for Food Products
Enabling Technologies for Baby Tracking in Hospital Environment (Tamper resistant & reusable baby tag)
Self-balancing Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) & Agent Control for Materials Handling in Warehouses
Trial: RFID-based Interoperable Gateway for Logistics Service Platforms (RIG) (II)
 e-Cheque Apps Development Cloud
Smart Robot Hand and Eye Co-ordination Enabling Technologies for eCommerce Warehouse Handlings
Safe Physical Sensory Systems for Human-Robot Collaborative Task
Trial: Interoperability Technology and Applications for Container RFID and e-seal & E-Lock-Based Enabling Technology for Container Cargo Transshipment Process
Trial: Package-specific RFID Tagging and Embedding Technology and Lightweight RFID Reader Chip for NFC and Mobile Applications
Entrusted Decentralized Exchange
Smart Service Robot for Elderly
Trial: Video Analytics for Traffic Flow Monitoring and Road Traffic Safety Management
Smart IoT Infrastructure & Technologies and Big Data Analytics for Community Services
Multiple Machine Cooperation and Self-Leveling Technologies for Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGV) in Warehouse Environment
Enabling Technologies for Mother-Baby Matching in Hospital Environment
Trial: UHF RFID detachable tag and traffic antenna technologies
RFID Application Service Technology in Guangdong-Hong Kong Import/Export Supervision and Management
RFID Enabling Technologies for Retail & Logistics Industry (ETI)
RFID-enabled Platform Technology for the Integrated Shenzhen-Hong Kong Food Safety and Supply Chain Management Public Information Platform (Part A-HKU)
RFID-enabled Platform Technology for the Integrated Shenzhen-Hong Kong Food Safety and Supply Chain Management Public Information Platform (Part B-CU)
Use-IT-Easy : A Low Cost, High Performance Mobile RFID Platform (CityU)
An eLogistics Appliance with Data Exchange and Conversion Technologies for Infrastructure Connectivity (HKU)
Low-cost Versatile Tracking Device and Technology for Logistic Applications (HKU)
Integrated Passive UHF RFID Tags and Readers (HKUST)
Study the Design Challenges of 90nm Technology UHF RFID Tag IC (CU)
Trustworthy RFID Technologies: Methodology and Practice (HKUST)
RFID-Enabled Real-Time Manufacturing Shop-floor Information Infrastructure for PRD Processing Trade Enterprises (HKU)
RF-based Technologies for Asset/Personnel Tracking (HKUST)
RFID Benchmarking Methodology: Report and Tool Support (HKUST)
RFID Benchmarking: Methodology and Practice (HKUST)
Service Platform for PRD Waterway Logistics Operators
RFID Traceability for Risk Management
Enhancing the competitiveness of the Hong Kong air Freight forwarding industry using RFID and software agent technologies
Trust Solution for RFID Enabled Interoperable E-Logisitic
Real Time Food Quality Management Service System
Trusted Network-based RFID Infrastructure
(for CWRA’s Site Attendance Module System)
RFID and Sensor-based Productivity Enhancement System for Human-operated Workplace (Government and Industry)
Optimal Design of Novel Reconfigurable UHF Antenna Systems for the Smart Shelf RFID Technology
Location-based Technologies for Asset Tracking and Risk Management (BIM)
RFID-Enabled Sensing Technologies for Real-time Environmental Monitoring and Risk Management
Indoor Localization, Tracking and Navigation
Development of a Hong Kong Positioning Infrastructure based on GPS, Beidou, and Ground based Augmentation System
Novel Low Profile 3-Axis Polarization Technology for the Near Field UHF RFID Reader Antenna System
A Virtual Reality System for Strategic Operation Training
SHIELD - Critical Infrastructure Protection in Hong Kong
RFID-Enabled Building Information Modeling (BIM) Platform for Prefabrication Housing Production in Hong Kong
Smart AP: Wi-Fi Positioning and Optimization for a Smart City
Video Analytics for Resource Management
Smart Construction Platform based on Cloud BIM and Image Processing
Trial: Intelligent Decision Support Platform for a Digital Economy - Applocationss of Social Media Sentiment Analysis in the Government Sector
Smart Baggage Handling and Retrieval System
Smart Robot Hand and Eye Co-ordination Enabling Technologies for eCommerce Warehouse Handlings
Robotic Material Preparations Using Tactile and Visual
Multiple Machine Cooperation and Self-Leveling Technologies for Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGV) in Warehouse Environment
Scenario ConsciousText-to-Speech Synthesis
A Smart Integrated Suite for Easy and Cost Effective Virtual Reality Content Creation
Indoor Location Analytics System for Exhibition and Convention Industries
Novel IoT and Multi-modal Analytic Technologies for a Smart City