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Project Database
Project Reference: ITP/001/24LP
Project Title: Local-Trained Large Language Model with Domain- Specific Scalable Concept Co-occurrence Relationship Models for Drafting Comprehensive and Balanced Public Articles and Messages
Hosting Institution: LSCM R&D Centre (LSCM)
Abstract: The proposed R&D work is to develop a local-trained large language model (LLM)
adherence to the information sources at Health Bureau and health-related authoritative
health organizations like World Health Organization and US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. The trained LLM can compose various drafts according to
corresponding user queries. Together with the composing capability of the LLM, the
traceability of information sources is validated by an information retrieval mechanism
supported by a set of graph-based concept co-occurrence relationship models (CCRMs)
being developed to have traceable links among terms, co-occurred term pairs, and
source information items. A set of relevant source information items retrieved per user
query from CCRMs helps establish an information scope to validate corresponding
generated draft from the LLM. In addition, all drafts with different aspects can be
compared with corresponding traceable information sources for further refining to yield a
well-balanced message being comprehensive enough to disseminate to the public
suitable for the context at that moment. Thus, the proposed R&D is expected to all
Health Bureau officials to obtain a set of source-supported drafts from their queries and
then spend time on crafting comprehensive and balanced public articles and messages.
Project Coordinator: Dr To Bun Ng
Approved Funding Amount: HK$ 14.29M
Project Period: 28 Mar 2024 - 27 Mar 2026
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