Apr 2014
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The LSCM R&D Centre will co-organize and participate in some significant trade events in the following months, in order to promote our technologies to the general public and industry partners.

Internet of Things (IoT) Symposium 2014

The LSCM R&D Centre will be co-organizing the Internet of Things (IoT) Symposium with Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and GS1 Hong Kong. As a key event of International IT Fest 2014 organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), the Symposium will be a two-day event held from 16 – 17 April 2014, in the Charles K Kao Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park. Themed ‘IoT and Big Data - Enabling Hong Kong as a Connected & Smart City’, the IoT Symposium aims at promoting the application of IoT and exploring its transformational potentials.

The LSCM R&D Centre will chair one of the tracks on 17 Apr morning session with the theme of “Radio Frequency (RF) and Sensor Devices”. Dr Frank Tong, our Director, Research & Technology Development will discuss how technologies can be installed on Tsing Ma Bridge to enhance the operational efficiency of the air cargo terminals. Dr Terry Ye, our Director, Research and Technology Development will share the advancement of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) reader with low-cost and handy design. The event is free of charge.

To know more about IoT Symposium or International IT Fest 2014, please visit http://www.itfest.hk/en/index.htm.


HKIE Hi-Tech Fiesta 2014

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) is going to host its first-time festival – The HKIE Hi-Tech Fiesta 2014 on 8 June 2014 at Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre. The event aims to promote the technological advancement to general public through fun and entertaining programs. Key activities include model car racing competition, robot display and exhibition of latest technological development in different engineering disciplines.

The LSCM R&D Centre has taken up a booth to demonstrate and promote our technologies. Please stay tune for more updates.

Retail Asia Expo 2014

To continue our success in promoting the Product Authentication (PA) technology to the retail industry in last year’s Retail Asia Expo, the LSCM R&D Centre will join the Retail Asia Expo 2014 which is going to be held from 10 – 12 June 2014 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Held for the 6th year, Retail Asia Expo is an annual trade show and conference that caters to retailers in Asia Pacific. The Retail Technology session in the Expo offers a wide array of technology solutions available to the retail industry.

For details, please refer to http://www.retailasiaexpo.com.
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