Apr 2014
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LSCM Roadshow 2014 < Previous | Home | Next >

Built on the success of the 1st roadshow last year, the LSCM R&D Centre jointly organized the LSCM Roadshow 2014 with Construction Industry Council (CIC) at Olympian City 2 on 19-20 February 2014.

Entitled "Your Ideal Smart City", the roadshow showcased the technological achievements of the LSCM R&D Centre in the areas of logistics, construction and retail through a lively and easy-to-understand approach.

The roadshow highlighted how technological development leads the way in smart living. The VIP guests and visitors were attracted by the interactive demonstration of five technologies: "LSCM Authen√Tick™" for authenticity of Chinese patent herbal medicines, RFID Pearl Identification, Smart Safety Helmet and Belt, and the new RFID Reader Chip which costs less but gets better performance, as well as the multimedia exhibits of CIC.

The roadshow also served as a platform for communication among representatives from the government, industry, academia and research institutes. Industry leaders and participants have made use of the occasion to explore business and technology collaboration opportunities.

With the enthusiastic support of 18 trade associations and organizations from the related fields of logistics, retail, and construction, as well as participation from 17 technology partners, the 2-day event marked with momentous accomplishments.
The LSCM Roadshow 2014 attracted keen participation from the representatives of government, industry, academia and research institutes
Officiating guests and Board of Directors of the LSCM R&D Centre jointly participated in the kick-off ceremony
Mr David Wong from Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory (left) introduced the world’s first ever RFID Pearl Identification technology to Miss Janet Wong, JP, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (middle), and Mr Joseph Lai, JP, Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport) (right)
Technology demonstration of a Smart Safety Belt to enhance safety awareness in construction sites
Technology partners showcased their latest technology solutions to the VIP guests
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