Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > R&D Areas > Project Database
Project Database
Project Reference: PRP/010/24LI
Project Title: Customized GPT in WMS and Data Analysis in Logistics Scenario
Hosting Institution: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Abstract: This proposal will propose a system, called "Logi-GPT", under collaboration between The
Chinese University of Hong Kong and Smartmore, focusing on integrating Generative Pretrained
Transformer (GPT) technology into Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) for
the logistics industry. The primary objectives include enhancing inventory management
and order fulfillment processes, optimising decision-making through data-driven insights,
and improving customer service with GPT-powered chatbots. The initiative addresses
critical challenges in the logistics sector, such as high knowledge thresholds,
technological barriers, and inconsistent programming across different platforms. By
leveraging GPT, the project aims to simplify interactions between logistics personnel and
systems, converting complex data inputs and outputs into more accessible natural
language formats. This integration promises to streamline operations, reduce labor and
time costs associated with overcoming technological barriers, and improve the user
experience in logistics operations. The project's successful implementation is anticipated
to bring significant advancements in operational efficiency and user interface experience,
setting a new standard in the logistics industry for technology-driven solutions.
Project Coordinator: Prof Bei YU
Approved Funding Amount: HK$ 0.74M
Project Period: 31 Mar 2024 - 30 Mar 2026
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