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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021: Smart Mobility Award

The Smart Mobility Award aims to encourage the development and adoption of innovative Smart Logistics, Smart Tourism and Smart Transport applications to drive smart city development with a greater convenience for tourists and citizens.

Smart Logistics aims at using technologies innovatively to improve supply chain visibility, enhance distribution management, automate information flow, streamline and optimise the cargo and baggage handling, which ultimately enhances the efficiency and capacity of logistics industry.

Smart Tourism aims at applying innovative technologies to achieve resource optimisation, increase competitiveness and maintain sustainability of the tourism industry, and enhance travellers’ information accessibility and convenience, transportation, dining, shopping and accommodation experience.

Smart Transport aims at making mobility 'intelligent', enhancing traffic monitoring, transport accessibility and efficiency, cutting down door-to-door journey times and reducing congestion. Apart from improving the flow of people, a successful solution can also ensure safety, enhance liveability and improve quality of life of citizens.

Smart Mobility Award Briefing Session:
Date: 16 June 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 4 - 5pm
Venue: TBC

Official call for entries 2021.04.23
Deadline for Enrolment 2021.07.16
Adjudication 2021.08.04-2021.10.07
Categories’ Awards Presentation Ceremonies 2021.11.15-2021.11.23
Awards Presentation Ceremony 2021.11.23 (Tentative)

Date: 12 May 2021 - 16 July 2021
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Organiser: GS1 Hong Kong
Supporting Organisation: Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Type: Seminar , Other
Tel: 2863 9768 / 2863 9730
Email: ictawards@gs1hk.org
Website: www.gs1hk.org/SmartMobilityAward
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