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CLP Smart Energy Award Programme 2020


To promote energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C), CLP Power Hong Kong Limited launches the Smart Energy Award to recognize organisations with outstanding performance in energy saving, energy management and application of smart technology.


The CLP Smart Energy Award is designed to encourage organisations to apply innovative technology, smart energy management and best EE&C practices. Those with outstanding performance in the above-mentioned areas will be recognised and receive the following benefits:

- Receive trophies or certificates of recognition;

- Be invited to attend the award ceremony, and receive the opportunities to share their successful experience and best practices in various publicity events arranged by the organiser; and

- Be allowed to use the Award logo in their publicity materials and events for a year (from the date of receiving the award).

All shortlisted organisations will also be presented with Certificates of Recognition.

Participation Eligibility

CLP’s commercial and industrial customers, including Government, commercial organisations, Education Institute, NGOs and SMEs, are eligible to join the Programme.

Date: 30 March 2020 - 31 May 2020
Organiser: CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
Supporting Organisation: Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Type: Other

Closing Date for Application

31 May 2020


Email: SmartEnergyAward@clp.com.hk

Phone: 2678 2660
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