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LSCM Logistics Summit 2015

As eCommerce and eLogistics continue to evolve and bring plenty of opportunities to different industries, it has created tremendous challenges to traditional trade and logistics companies, and also affects retail sector and even the entire supply chain management. In order to tackle the challenges, it is important for the entrepreneurs to change their mindset and upgrade existing technology to ride on the growth of the eCommerce market.

Along with the demand raised from Location-based Services (LBS) technology, LBS technology is rapidly developing. Spectrum of functions can be achieved by applying LBS technology. The advent of technology and challenges from the market are accelerating the development of LBS technology over years, and now, LBS has reached a level of commercialisation and ready for tougher challenges.

The LSCM Logistics Summit 2015 will shed light on the latest development of technologies with particular focus on eLogistics and eCommerce sectors, as well as various LBS technologies and scope of application. The two-day summit will feature a number of high-profile industry leading speakers and distinguished professors from the fields of logistics, supply chain management and LBS, to share their insights and best practices.

The summit will also serve as a platform for exploring business collaboration opportunities and forging new professional contacts. One of the highlights is LSCM’s technology showcase with display of the latest LSCM’s research deliverables on the 1st day of event. Lots of LSCM’s project partners and technology associates will also set up booths on both dates to showcase their services and latest E-Commerce and LBS products.

The LSCM Logistics Summit has been acclaimed as a not-to-be-missed trade event. Join us to explore the potential of eCommerce, eLogistics and LBS, and develop your network with the industry leaders and meet like-minded individuals.

Date: 19 October 2015 - 20 October 2015
Time: 9:00am - 5:15pm
Venue: Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
Organiser: Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies
Type: Conference
Language: English

Ms Cynthia Chiu
(852) 2255 0860
Email: [email protected]

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