Logistic and Supply Chain Innovators in Hong Kong
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) was founded in 2006 with funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Since its inception, LSCM’s mission has been to foster the development of core competencies in logistics and supply chain related technologies in Hong Kong, and to facilitate the adoption of these technologies by industries in Hong Kong as well as Mainland China.
The Centre is hosted by three leading universities in Hong Kong, namely the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The establishment of the Centre marks the realisation of the concerted effort and enthusiasm on the part of the government, industry, academia and research institutes.

Vision and Mission
To be a leading Centre of Excellence in logistics, supply chain management, e-Commerce and related industrial research and development
To be a Centre of Excellence to initiate and facilitate indigenous innovation and technology by local industries, and collaborate with industries and communities to embrace innovation and technology
Initiate and conduct R&D activities to develop core technological competencies in the logistics, supply chain, e-Commerce and related industries, and to lead the industries in applied research and development work
Facilitate the indigenous technological research by industries (public and private) in Hong Kong / Mainland China by providing expertise, knowledge and Innovation & Technology Funding support
Collaborate with industries (especially SMEs) and communities to adopt and embrace innovation and technology for productivity, efficiency, social well-being and making positive impact to Hong Kong
The Centre has been commissioned to be a one-stop resource for applied research, technology transfer and commercialization. This is achieved by undertaking the following roles and functions:
Conduct industry-oriented researches
Provide consulting and market intelligence services
Provide a platform for business matching and technology transfer
Facilitate intellectual property commercialisation
What Difference Does LSCM Make?
To the industry:
While LSCM’s technology development is focused on niche applications, its target is to serve a broad spectrum of users
To the academia:
LSCM aims at closer cooperation to conduct market-driven research based on each university/research institute’s expertise and technological strengths
To the public sector:
LSCM strives to provide a Public Technology Platform to forge technology advancement in different areas
Profit Tax Savings
On 1 August 2016, LSCM was approved as an approved research institute under section 16B(4)(a) of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Any payments made to LSCM for research and development related to payer’s trade, profession or business - or to the class of trade, profession or business to which that trade, profession or business belongs - can be deducted in ascertaining the assessable profits of the payer under certain specified conditions by virtue of section 16B.