A Virtual Reality Training System For Strategic Operations
LSCM has worked with the University of Hong Kong to develop a fully immersive “cave-like” automatic virtual reality (VR) environment. This VR system training for Hong Kong professionals gives them the opportunity to experience the life-like scenarios of complex operations and interact dynamically with such an environment in a controlled space. Activities are recorded, and behaviour is analysed as it develops in real-time. The VR training system represents a state-of-the-art design, which capitalizes on virtual reality technology with artificial intelligence methods. This delivers an integrated system that creates a cost effective, versatile and reconfigurable, interactive and immersive training environment that readily supports evidence. This, as well as discovery-based training in operation planning and decision making. This cutting-edge technology has been used in two pilot cases thus far: The first one is a ramp operation training system that is developed in collaboration with Cathay Pacific Services Limited (CPSL). This development was undertaken for the purpose of training supervisors and operators in performing ramp operations, where air cargo containers are loaded and unloaded from freight aircrafts. The VR system training uses the imseCAVE VR system to recreate the scenarios of air cargo loading, where operators use various user interfaces. These include a mock-up of a real-size cargo door control panel to control the operations of virtual loading systems to handle air cargo. The second pilot case is a VR training system built for the Hong Kong Police Force at the Detective Training Centre, Specialized Services Training Centre of the Hong Kong Police College. The program creates crime scenes where detectives can use the system to undergo effective training by exploring a variety of different scenarios. We are proud to have assisted the development of this futuristic training system. For any questions regarding how we can facilitate innovation in your industry, please don’t hesitate to contact us.