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Hong Kong openBIM/openGIS Awards 2024

Open standards are key to interoperability for supporting information exchange and collaboration in BIM and GIS. The Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA) and the Hong Kong Chapter of buildingSMART International are launching the Hong Kong openBIM/openGIS Awards 2024 this year, to recognize best practices and innovations of openBIM and/or openGIS applications in project delivery and/or lifecycle asset management in the built asset industry in Hong Kong. Renowned experts in both local and global arena will serve as judging panel members. There are three categories of submission: (1) Project Category; (2) Research Category, and (3) Technology Category.

日期: 05月07日 - 05月07日
时间: 09时00分 - 05时30分
地点: 建造业零碳天地
详细地址: 香港九龙九龙湾常悦道 8 号
主办单位: The Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA)
支持机构: 物流及供应链多元技术研发中心
类别: 典礼
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