物流及供应链多元技术研发中心 > 活动 > 业界活动


Innovate for Future (IFF) 2024

Innovate for Future (IFF) is an open competition of innovation & technology to inspire our young people in Hong Kong to create innovative products or services for solving and improving our real life challenges, through idea generation to prototype development. The competition theme is Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development. In this competition, students will pitch how to move human society forward with feasible innovation and products in our coaching process. This competition is supported by our international partner, San Jose State University (SJSU) Silicon Valley Center for Global Studies (SVCGS). The final champion or winners will have the opportunity to submit their projects to SJSU global program, such as Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge (SVIC) Competition and Showcase.

日期: 07月24日 - 07月24日
主办单位: 香港电子科技商会
支持机构: 物流及供应链多元技术研发中心
类别: 其他
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