物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心 > 活動 > 業界活動



The Expo aims to provide one-stop logistics technology solutions and information on the government funding schemes for local logistics SMEs to boost their competitiveness and productivity. Combining exhibition and demonstration of the best logistics industry practice and sharing of useful information on funding schemes, including the Pilot Subsidy Scheme for Third-party Logistics Service Providers, the Expo will enable logistics SMEs to keep abreast of the latest technological trends of the sector and encourage their adoption of advanced logistics technologies with government funding support.

日期: 11月28日 - 11月29日
時間: 10時00分 - 06時00分
地點: 香港九龍達之路78號 生產力大樓
主辦單位: 運輸及物流局
支持機構: 物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心
類別: 展覽 , 論壇
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