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The ASTRI’s IMPACT Conference

As the Covid-19 pandemic has caused widespread concern and economic hardship and disruption for consumers, businesses and communities across the world, advances and innovations in the technology sector have never been more crucial and urgently needed. In a short period of time, the tech industry has risen to the challenge with impressive rapidity to help ailing businesses and economies cope with unprecedented challenges. However, myriad challenges still lie ahead and conversations around how technology, and the way humans interact with it and take advantage of it, have never been more important. 

The Impact Conference will see the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) – as ASTRI celebrates its 20th anniversary – collaborate with the South China Morning Post in bringing together some of Hong Kong’s preeminent business leaders and technology-focused minds to discuss how innovations in the technology sector will impact Hong Kong in the near- and long-term, while considering ways in which innovation and tech can make an immediate impact on Hong Kong life amid a global pandemic.

日期: 11月11日
時間: 09時30分 - 06時15分
地點: 線上
主辦單位: 香港應用科技研究院有限公司
支持機構: 物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心
類別: 討論會

電話: (852) 3406 2800
電郵: corporate@astri.org

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