物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心 > 活動 > 業界活動


Hong Kong IoT Conference 2017

As a neutral and standards-driven organization, GS1 Hong Kong stands ready to drive IoT ecosystem development, to help industries realise the true value of IoT while address the challenges of adopting IoT technologies.
The Hong Kong Internet of Things (IoT) Conference held on 28 June 2017 is an annual event which provides industry practitioners a wonderful opportunity to discover how IoT is adopted to meet different market needs and to exchange expertise. The 5th Conference is expected to draw over 500 experts and industry practitioners. The Conference will cover a vast range of topics from vision to action, with the focus this year on three significant areas of our daily life - Smart Living, Smart Business and Smart Healthcare, and the crucial role these areas play in igniting the sparkle of technology innovations in a smart city development.
日期: 06月28日
時間: 09時00分 - 05時00分
地點: 香港會議展覽中心
詳細地址: 灣仔博覽道1號
主辦單位: 香港貨品編碼協會
支持機構: 香港物流及供應鏈管理應用技術研發中心
類別: 討論會
語言: 廣東話 / 國語 / 英語


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