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Projects Update

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Vision of AGVs for Crowded Environments

Mobile robots were specially designed and deployed for utilisation in specific environments and industries in the 90s and the early millennium. While robotic technologies have become more mature and cost-effective, they were more extensively used in the daily operations of various businesses and industries to perform the tasks of surveillance, patrolling and delivery. These robots usually worked on their own or in a team without interacting with humans.

In recent years, the demand for mobile robots which could work together with humans has been on the rise. Tourism and retail service industry account for 5% of Hong Kong’s GDP on average. To cope with the large number of visitors throughout the year, shopping malls are constantly looking for solutions to increase efficiency and improve its services so as to enhance their competitiveness. Service robots which could help customers deliver purchased items from the stores to designated locations, e.g. carparks, are in high demand.

In view of the demand for service robots, LSCM researched and developed an autonomous delivery robot with machine intelligence which can help to deliver goods/items in busy and crowded environments.

The service robot is able to:

  • recognise landmarks and objects, and find its own path to designated locations (e.g. carparks)
  • avoid collision against humans and other objects
  • carry items with secure measures

The service robot can be applied in eCommerce and logistics hubs such as warehouses, cargo terminals, hospitals.

IoT Security Evaluation Testbed (IoT-SET)

Overall Testbed Architecture

Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become increasingly popular these days. IoT devices can be controlled and monitored through Internet connections. In 2016, the first IoT botnet “Mirai” took advantage of the vulnerability of IoT devices to launch a DDoS attack to the DNS provider Dyn. It made millions of Internet users unable to access Internet services such as Twitter and GitHub. This incident aroused the concern in IoT security issues.

It is expected that there would be more security issues related to IoT devices in the near future due to the low security measures in developing IoT devices. Moreover, the limited processing power of IoT devices made it impossible to implement traditional IT security technologies, e.g. anti-virus tool, in the devices. With the increasing amount of available IoT devices in the market, a platform which could examine, analyse and perform testing in the security aspects of IoT devices has to be developed.

In order to support effective evaluation of security technologies for IoT devices, a testbed is needed so that the actual implementation of the security techniques in the IoT devices can be evaluated and tested before the IoT system is deployed to the market. Such testbed needs to support a wide variety of devices, and should be able to collect data for evaluation. The testbed should also provide basic security evaluation modules, such as vulnerability scanning and penetration test.

In this project, LSCM set up the IoT Security Evaluation Testbed which allows security professionals and researchers to conduct security evaluation and research on IoT devices. To establish such testbed, knowledge in both IoT devices and security background is required.

In order to ensure the security of IoT system, LSCM conducted applied research to produce and collect a set of attack patterns for IoT devices, and constructed a testbed so that security attack and testing can be performed in a controlled environment.

The IoT Security Evaluation Testbed was introduced in the IoT Security Forum organised by Center for Information Security and Cryptography (CISC) of The University of Hong Kong and LSCM on 29 August 2018.

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