Apr 2013
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To develop core technological competencies and enhance efficiency in the logistics and supply chain industries, the LSCM R&D Centre has undertaken industry-oriented research projects involving businesses and universities. The new R&D projects funded by the Centre are focusing on the use of RFID in applications for tracking, outdoor locating and risk management:


Location-based Technologies for Asset Tracking and Risk Management
There are growing concerns over construction site safety in Hong Kong. To tackle the safety issue of workforce at construction site, the LSCM R&D Centre is working along with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for this platform project. The Hong Kong Housing Authority, Hong Kong Construction Industry Council, Occupational Safety and Health Council, ABLE Engineering Co., Ltd., Yau Lee Construction Co., Ltd., and Afina Data Systems Ltd. gave strong support to the project. With the commencement in late 2012, the project is targeted to be completed in the first half of 2014.

In this project, a Pro-active Construction Management System (PCMS) will be developed with virtual construction simulation technologies, to enhance the capacities of workers in detecting potential sources of danger and provide pro-active warnings to workers when they are exposed to dangerous situations. With the use of PCMS, we believe the number of fatal accidents in the construction industry can be further reduced.

Potential risk and accidents would be avoided with the aid of PCMS

Signboards Control System
As a sleepless city, Hong Kong comes alive with dazzling billboards and neon signboards at night, however, the spectacular scenery has a hidden danger lying behind concurrently - unauthorised signboards. The aging and abandoned signboards have raised concerns about building safety, and they should be properly monitored to avoid accidents.

Initiated and supported by the Hong Kong Buildings Department, the LSCM R&D Centre is developing customised RFID tags targeted to be mounted with the neon signboards, allowing the supervisory unit to verify whether a signage is registered with the Signboard Control Unit of the Buildings Department. The challenge lies in the demanding requirements of the tag: one to two storeys high reading distance, without power assistance and long operating lifetime. The project has been commenced in early 2013 and targeted to be completed in the 4th quarter of 2013.

A raft of signboards are erected on streets
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