Apr 2013
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LSCM Logistics Roadshow 2013 < Previous | Home | Next >

The LSCM R&D Centre’s first ever Logistics Roadshow was an overwhelming success. The roadshow aimed to promote the awareness of latest technology applications in the logistics and supply chain industries, and provide an opportunity for the logistics industry leaders, researchers and academia representatives and Internet of Things (IoT) technology industry players to meet and exchange business views and insights. The roadshow was held from 26th February to 14th March 2013 at Olympian City.

Under the theme of “Hong Kong Logistics Story”, the development of logistics and supply chain industries in Hong Kong was presented through five vivid miniature showcases, an animated video produced by students of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, plus panel exhibits. Twenty-four IoT technology partners were also invited to display their latest industry-oriented enabling technologies on 26th and 27th February 2013.

As one of the highlighted programmes, the kick-off ceremony on 26th February attracted more than 300 attendees from the government, logistics and supply chain industries, IoT companies and industry-support bodies for engagement and intellectual interaction. In addition, the roadshow has aroused media’s interest and generated great coverage as well as feature stories on LSCM’s technologies.

Mr Simon Wong, Chief Executive Officer of the LSCM R&D Centre, delivered the welcome remarks
at the kick-off ceremony
Officiating ceremony hosted by The Hon Charles Mok, LegCo Member (Information Technology), Miss Janet Wong, JP, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Miriam Lau, GBS, JP, Representative of the National People's Congress (Hong Kong), Ms Joanne Leung, Manager, Retail Marketing & Promotions, Sino Group and Mr Simon Wong, Chief Executive Officer of the LSCM R&D Centre (from left to right)
Group photos of officiating guests and Board of Directors of the LSCM R&D Centre (from left to right): Mr Steve Lo, JP, Mr Tony Choi, Mr Lawrence Yip, Mr Neville John Hammond, Mr Ken Chung, The Hon Charles Mok, Miss Janet Wong, JP, Ms Miriam Lau, GBS, JP, Ms Joanne Leung, Mr Christopher Chan, Mr Paul Wu and Mr Simon Wong
IoT technology partners were leveraging the roadshow to introduce latest technologies to guests
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