Hong Kong Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre > R&D Areas > Project Database
Project Database
Project Reference: ITP/003/22LP
Project Title: 3D Visualization with Sensor Data for Sustainable Project Development
Hosting Institution: LSCM R&D Centre (LSCM)
Abstract: On 13 November 2008, the governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen signed the
Cooperation Agreement on jointly undertaking comprehensive planning and engineering
study (P&E Study) including environmental impact assessment on the development of the
Loop on the basis of mutual benefits. The P&E Study, jointly conducted by the Planning
Department and Civil Engineering and Development Department, is to formulate a
comprehensive plan for the development of the Loop.
According to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499), contractors
are required to provide an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) to the
Environmental Protection Department (EPD) which addresses environmental and social
impacts, mitigation measures, related management, and monitoring plans to minimize
environmental impact that can be caused from the projected development cycle. While
providing the EIA report, the Environmental Protection Department attempts to find new
solutions to several problems regarding difficulty in immediate data collection, data
tracking, and tracing.
In this project, we plan to develop a series of sensors and an integrated 3D system to
collect the envoronmental data such as Air, Water and constructure waste infromation for
EPD to effectively track and trace the enviornmental and pollution data in a development
area. EPD has chosen the Lok Ma Chou Loop as trial site for this project .
Project Coordinator: Dr Chun Hung CHENG
Approved Funding Amount: HK$ 11.32M
Project Period: 31 Mar 2022 - 30 Mar 2024
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