Contact Name: Kelly Title: Ms
Tel: 36130151 Fax:
Email: asiamarketing@flexport.com Website: www.flexport.com
Industry Group: Logistics Services

Company Profile:

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>About Flexport</strong><br /> We believe trade can move the human race forward. That&rsquo;s why it&rsquo;s our mission to make global&nbsp;<br /> trade easy for everyone. Flexport is the platform for global logistics&mdash;empowering buyers, sellers and their logistics partners with the technology and services to grow and innovate. Companies of all sizes&mdash;from emerging brands to Fortune 500s&mdash;used Flexport technology to move nearly $19B of merchandise across 112 countries in 2021.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><strong>關於 Flexport 飛協博</strong><br /> Flexport 是如何推動全球貿易的進程,這也是讓博世貿易的使命是讓一個全球貿易協會參與其全球貿易。Flexport 的全球貿易參與者飛博的全球物流平台通過技術和服務,顯示全球買家、賣家和參與者物流合作夥伴發展與創新。2021年,從新興品牌到各種財富500強的規模企業,通過使用Flexport飛協博科技,在全球112個國家與地區之間運輸價值近190美元的商品。</p>