Ms Leng Ruihua
Deputy Director
Standing Committee of People's Congress
of Guangzhou Nansha District
Ir Tony WONG, JP
Commissioner for Digital Policy
The Government of the HKSAR
Dr YUAN Feng
Executive Vice President of Guangzhou Institute of Software & Chairman of CAS Smart City (Guangzhou) Information Industry Co., Ltd.
Chief Operating Officer
Cathay Cargo Terminal
Mr Albert CHOW
Executive Director
Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)
Ir Dr Raymond CHEUNG, JP
Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office & Deputy Commissioner of Mines
Civil Engineering and Development Department
Mr Rudy HUI
Assistant Commissioner (Excise & Strategic Support)
Customs and Excise Department
Ir Dr Alan LAM Hiu Fung
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Prof Dong SUN, JP
Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry
The Government of the Hong Kong SAR
The Hon Duncan CHIU, JP
Legislative Councillor (Technology and Innovation Constituency)
The Hong Kong SAR
Dr Sunny CHAI, BBS, JP
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Dr Thomas SO, JP
eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre
Ar Prof Ada FUNG, BBS
President, Hong Kong Alliance of Built Asset
and Environment Information Management Associations
Ms Anna Lin, JP, FCILT
Chief Executive
GS1 Hong Kong
Dr George LAM, BBS
Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Group
Mr Ivor CHOW
Managing Director
Hongkong International Terminals Limited
Mr CHAN Mo-po, Paul, GBM, GBS, MH, JP
Financial Secretary
The Government of the Hong Kong SAR
Ms Rebecca PUN, JP
Commissioner for
Innovation and Technology
Ir Eric PANG, JP
Director, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
The Government of the HKSAR
Mr Nick CHAN, MH
AALCO Hong Kong Regional
<br> Arbitration Centre
Prof. Rene de KOSTER
Department of Logistics and Operations Management
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
<br> Rotterdam
Mr Albert SU
Chief Executive
Tung Wah Groups of Hospitals
Honorary President
Federation of Hong Kong Industries
Honorary Chairman
Hong Kong Electronics & Technologies Association
Mr Eric WONG
Executive Committee
Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association
Dr C.H. NG
The Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association
Ir Elsa YUEN
Hong Kong Logistics Association
Mr Sunny HO, JP
Executive Director
The Hong Kong Shippers’ Council
Ms Maureen TAM
Barrier Free Access (HK) Limited
Ir Stephen CHAN
Honourable President &<br> Honourable Advisor
Hong Kong Logistics Association
Copyright © Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre. All rights reserved.
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) is Hong Kong’s leading Centre of technology research and development (R&D) across numerous sectors, both public and private. Since its founding in 2006, LSCM has been dedicated to fostering technological innovation to enhance the efficiency in the logistics and supply chain industries.
Hong Kong is considered as one of the world’s leading logistics hubs. LSCM aims to reinforce this position through the continuous enhancement of technological facilities within areas of logistics, supply chain, artificial intelligence, and e-commerce, etc.
Always on the move, LSCM seeks to ensure Hong Kong keeps up on a global scale, cementing our place on the world stage as a progressive adopter of innovative technology. With an extensive range of projects developed over the years, LSCM nurtures ideas for growth not only in Hong Kong but also in Mainland China.
To promote economic growth through heightened efficiency, LSCM has spurred the development of numerous cutting-edge technologies, including supply chain technology, robotics technology for logistics, and an AIoT Chinese Medicine dispensing and delivery system. These projects were undertaken to not only enhance efficiency, but also to provide effective solutions for the ageing problems across multiple industries in Hong Kong.
LSCM has a wealth of case studies in our database. These range from sophisticated virtual reality training modules to secure E-Lock system and E-Cheque Wallet applications, and many more. Our case studies showcase the impact of technology deployment on different sectors, demonstrating how a seemingly simple idea can transform the entire industry operations.
Moving forward, LSCM will work closely with the Government, academia and the industry in Hong Kong to continuously foster the development and adoption of technological innovations that address emerging supply chain and logistics challenges. As part of this effort, we prioritise building a community that focuses on collaboration to accelerate the progress.
To become part of our committed community of leading researchers and professionals, take a look at our membership program. There, you’ll discover various networking opportunities for your enterprise. Ranging from events for exposure and networking, through to cutting-edge researches for technology advancement, our membership program is the best way to enjoy LSCM’s extensive services.
If you have any questions about what we do, how we do it or anything else, feel free to contact us.