LSCM 2019「智叻科技 樂在『耆』中」展覽

由LSCM主辦、香港社會服務聯會協辦的 2019「智叻科技 樂在『耆』中」展覽將在3月14-17日於奧海城2期地下中庭舉行,鼓勵市民及長者服務業界人士利用創新科技,提升工作效率及改善生活。


日期 : 3月14 – 17日 (星期四至日)
時間 :下午4時正至8時正 (星期四)/ 上午11時正至下午8時正(星期五至日)
地點 : 奧海城2期地下中庭
費用 : 免費

想知更多有關「智叻科技 樂在『耆』中」展覽的活動資訊,請密切留意

LSCM Smart Living Gerontechnology Roadshow 2019

Co-organised with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the LSCM Smart Living Gerontechnology Roadshow 2019 is going to be staged at the Central Atrium, Olympian City 2 on 14-17 March. The event aims at encouraging the public and the elderly service industry to utilise innovation and technology to increase productivity, as well as to improve the living standard of the community.

LSCM and its partners will showcase the latest gerontechnologies and smart living technologies at the Roadshow, featuring the Elderly Lifter, "Follow-Me" Wheelchair Robot & Platooning Technology, Smart-service Robot, etc., as well as other technologies which were awarded in renowned international invention exhibitions. Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College will participate in the event to showcase the "iWheel" device developed by the students, which was awarded in various competitions. Do come and join us with your family and friends to participate in the exciting games, get a souvenir (while stock lasts), and to learn more about the benefits of adopting technologies in our daily life.

Date : 14 – 17 March (Thu – Sun)
Time : 4:00pm-8:00pm (Thu) / 11:00am- 8:00pm (Fri – Sun)
Venue : Central Atrium, Olympian City 2
Fee : Free-of-charge

For more information about the LSCM Smart Living Gerontechnology Roadshow 2019, please visit

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